Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's not just a good day, it's a good life...

"Look at the bigger picture", we heard that all the time, but how little we apply this great advice. We complain a lot in our everyday life, I complain a lot, but I saw that college helped me to look at the bigger picture, to be happy because I am chasing my dream.

Even on a rainy day in Milledgeville with wet feet and not enough sleep, I would not trade this life.
I am currently 70 days and 18 hours away from stepping in a European airport and I have never been so excited to see the Old Continent but I will get the best of my days left in America.

PS: If you read that blog please leave comment on what you would like to hear about (american tradition, college admission, visa, life as a foreign student in America, Go Campus, Calvin Thomas) and which language you would rather me writing in.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

January is a wake up call, a cold water bucket thrown in your face. The snow man just slap you in a face with reality. Vacation are over and we are back in school, I am back in school. 
18 hours this semester, all I can say if that motivational speech like the Kid President Pep Talk are more than welcome

But with January it's not only about challenges, opportunities come along too and it is a bowl of fresh air with a chance, to do better, to be better and set great goals for this coming year.

Click to follow me in Instagram - annalopezratouis